My Grace is Sufficient
by Linda Palmer
Code / ISBN: 978 0 955179 04 4
Publisher: GLORY TO GLORY. 176pp
Linda Palmer shares the struggles she faced overcoming chronic illness and the incredible way that God has sustained and healed her over the years.
LINDA PALMER is a Christian writer and speaker, based in Surrey. She is married and has two children.
This book describes a real life journey through suffering, illness, and growth in knowledge of the power of God to heal and restore. The author suffered for many years with M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and at her low point she cried out to God for help. Nothing could have prepared her for the amazing way in which he would then intervene.
For Christians involved with debilitating sickness, whether as sufferers, carers or pastors.
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This book can be purchase directly from the author's web site https://www.healingme.co.uk/.