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60 Days With Romans

by Alex Jacob

Code / ISBN: 978-1-78926-516-3
Publisher: Christian Publications International.
Publish date: July 2020


The epistle to the Romans holds a prominent place among the New Testament writings. It played a direct role in the conversion of key figures such as Augustine, Luther, and John Wesley. Calvin wrote that Romans is the doorway to the treasure of all of Scripture. It is widely regarded as the most complete summary of the gospel message and Christian doctrine found in the New Testament. It is Paul’s most extended and concentrated presentation of God’s saving work in Christ.

This is Alex Jacob’s third in his series enabling a quick, astute, yet thoroughly biblical forays into key New Testament texts, following 100 Days With Luke and 100 Days with Acts. This is a shorter book but follows the same format.

Unlike most, this book is written with a specific primary readership in mind – new Jewish believers in Christ. It helps them make the connection between The Tanakh, and God’s purposes in and through Israel, yet seeing the outworking of those purposes in and through the person and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.

This book, however, is not just for Jewish converts, far from it. It is widely recognized that Jews (of which there are 13M in the world, and Muslims, of which there are 1.7Bn), share the same fundamental objections to the claims of Jesus – both His deity in Trinity and His atoning sacrifice. So, in providing material for new Jewish believers, Alex Jacob (who is CEO of CMJ) provides an equally valuable resource for a vast potential secondary readership.

This book (and this series) should be seen in that light. It is a valuable resource and probably unique in its insights and approach.

How many of us have struggled with Romans? In 60 days a reader can get a good insight and overview.

So for the ‘average Joe’ Christian reader this is also a great book/series. Its also a great introduction to any new believer as they seek to get a grounding in the key New Testament narrative.

Finally, the book incorporates, day by day, key questions for reflection and discussion. This makes it brilliant for both private bible study and group bible study. It makes the task of the group study leader a lot simpler! (I have used all three in this series as Lent and as Advent material – and my groups have very much appreciated the books).


This is good solid but accessible and straightforward material for both mature and new believers. It could well be used as immediate follow-up material to build up the new believer. Acknowledging broad Christian deficit in biblical understanding, it might also be a good refresher for more mature Christians as well.


Alex JacobRev Alex Jacob is CEO of the Churches Mission to Jewish People (CMJ), which has a wonderful 200+ year Ministry behind it – a genuine strategic Ministry to the Church. His best known book is his seminal “The Case for Enlargement Theology” which is an in depth exploration of Romans chapters 9 thru 11. The late David Pawson described that books as “a vital contribution to the ‘continuity-discontinuity’ debate, which can help to release the ‘impasse’ in Jewish-Christian relations”.


The author talks about the book of Romans and how it fits in the bigger picture.


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