The Birth of Christ
by Peter Sammons
Presents a biblical and historical case for the truth of the account of the nativity of Jesus according to the Gospels.
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Chapter 1 - Once, in Royal David's City
Chapter 3 - Judaea and Galilee at the Time of the Nativity
Chapter 4 - What Messiah did the Jews Expect
Chapter 5 - The Biblical Account of the Nativity
Chapter 8 - Bethlemhem, Tax Census and Birth
Chapter 9 - Wise Men and Flight to Egypt
Chapter 11 - The Two Genealogies and Mary's Davidic Credentials
Chapter 12 - The Virgin Conception
Chapter 13 - 25th December? Was the Bethlehem Birth Prophesied?
APPENDIX 1 - The Two Genealogies - Matthew and Luke
APPENDIX 3 - The Birth of Christ
APPENDIX 3a - Chronological Biblical Readings
APPENDIX 5 - The Reliability of the Biblical Sources
APPENDIX 6 - Making the Most of Christmas