A Practical Handbook for
Caring for new Christians
by Daniel Holland
ISBN: 978-1-913741-07-5
Publication: Christian Publications International
Extent: 85 PP
Price £4.00 + £1 p&p UK
When a person comes to saving faith – when they are born again – they have made a wonderful choice and are embarked on a new life. But precisely how should a church seek to care for the new Believer? This book sets out a simple framework that will help both church leadership and mentors (‘disciplers’) to know what to do and what to aim for.
Many churches fail to set a clear expectation for the new Christian (the recent ‘convert’ in traditional language) as to how they should immediately begin to grow and mature. The Christian life is a journey and the new believer has just started.
Similarly, they can too often fail to set expectations within their own fellowship as to what the Church collectively shall do to assist, mentor and pray for the new Christian.
This book sets a baseline or standard of expectation. The new convert also needs to know what to expect from the Church to which God’s Spirit graciously directs them.
This short book is very accessible in an easy style and provides four main ‘parts’ *Baptism and the Bible * Welcoming New Christians * Integrating New Christians * Disciple New Christians. 12 short chapters, a glossary and some helpful links fill out many relevant details.
The book encourages Churches to plan and prepare, and to take responsibility and a degree of “ownership” over the immediate development of the new Believer.
This effort immediately encourages the new Christian to take their step of faith seriously and prepare for the immediate next steps.
We repeat, this provides a ‘baseline’ in expectations, both for the Church and for the new Believer.
This book is linked to a slightly shorter book “A Practical Handbook – Growing as a New Christian”, for the new Believer, which also sets a baseline of expectations. The two books may usefully be read together, especially as part of mission preparation.
Daniel Holland is a former pastor and today works as a full time UK-based evangelist (with Through Faith Missions). His earlier book “Prophetic Evangelism” has been well received and is the basis of a 5-session training course.
The Market:
Churches as part of their discipling process will value this book. It might be used powerfully in mission preparation contexts. More generally every church and all mature Christians should have a clear sense of what they need to do both to care for a new Convert, and to see them develop and mature in grace and favour amongst all people. This is a serious business! We have responsibilities!
A Training Course:
Please apply to the publisher for details of any Courses planned or to request a tailored course.
Interview with the author
Daniel Holland speaks with Peter Sammons about his two new books "Growing" and "Caring"
Book Reviews
A combined book review for both the 'Caring' and 'Growing' books by Daniel Holland is available on the "Christian Comment" web site.
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Most churches strongly desire to do Jesus' will in preaching the good news and seeing genuine new believers (or new Christians) come into life-transforming fellowship. Yet many churches struggle to know how to look after their new coverts. What should they actually do?
You can download a free pdf copy of the book here.
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